Presence in the company
It is quite busy at this location, there are 95 people present on this moment!
Total number of people per square meter
3 people / m²
10.00% (30 days)
Average body temperature
37.5 °C
22.00% (30 days)
Average sound level
70 dB
-2.00% (30 days)
Air quality
57 IQA
0.22% (30 days)
Total number of people per square meter
The total number of people per square meter in the building.
External companies
Average body temperature
View allThe average body temperature per month
Problems / Solutions
Too high consumption in the last month
Your consumption of not sustainable energy is too high in the last month
9:30 am -
More consumption in sustainable energy
The last month you consumed more sustainable energy than normal.
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Some of your locations are not running
Some of your locations are not running, that normally run on this moment.
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You have 25,5% more profit this year!
Congratulations with your extra profit this year! Well done.
8:50 am -
Employee satisfaction went down
The employees complain about the filthy water and sanitation.
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